In Memory of







Condolence From: Tanya
Condolence: I miss you mom...i see your pictures on your obituary and it all feels like a horrible dream. You have always been there for me every time i needed you. It's because of you that i was able to get through my pregnancies and handling a new born baby. I would look forward to your visits because i knew how much it made my kids happy to see you. You were such an important part of our lives. It is so difficult to have the thought that i will never see you again. I love you mom and i miss you a lot. Please watch over us. xoxoxoxoxox
Tuesday January 07, 2014
Condolence From: Martin Proulx
Condolence: Lilianne, you left us to quick but rest assure that your family will stay strong during these difficult times. They will always have you in their heart and thoughts.. Your grandchildren will have wonderful memories of their memere, always there to take care of them. We will miss you very much. XOX
Tuesday January 07, 2014
Condolence From: Jean Blythe Campbell
Condolence: I am so sorry to hear about your mom. She was always smiling and happy whenever I saw her, and big waves from the school bus. My very deepest sympathies to the family. jean
Saturday January 04, 2014
Condolence From: Colette Denis Migneault
Condolence: Nos plus sinceres sympathies a toute la famille Landrieault Beauvais , R.I.P.Lillianne :(
Saturday January 04, 2014
Condolence From: La famille proulx (Rimouski)
Condolence: Bonjour Tanya et Martin. C'est avec toi Tanya et toute ta famille que nous t'offrons nos plus profonde sympatie nous sommes loin de vous, mes de coeur nous sommes avec vous tous. Nos pensés et nos prières vous acconpagnent dans se douleureux départ de ta mère vers le Père. Avec vous la famille Proulx. xx
Saturday January 04, 2014
Condolence From: Martin Proulx et Louise ST-Laurent
Condolence: Àux familles Beauvais,Landriault et spécialement Tanya et Martin. Nous vous offrons nos sympathies et nous avons une pensé pour vous tous dans ces moments difficiles. Martin et Louise
Friday January 03, 2014
Condolence From: Linda Bergeron
Condolence: Mes plus sinceres sympathies a toute la famille. R.I.P. Lilianne
Friday January 03, 2014
Condolence From: Debbie & Claude D'Amours
Condolence: Sinceres Condoleances Nous sommes de tout Coeur avec vous en ces difficiles moments que vous vivez
Friday January 03, 2014
Condolence From: Marcel Madore
Condolence: Mes sympathies a la famille. My sympathies to the family.
Friday January 03, 2014
Condolence From: Lise et Georges Génier
Condolence: Mes sympathies a la famille . J'ai travaillé avec Lilianne et elle était une personne qui aimait aider a tous. Une bonne travaillante et je peux vous dire que son autobus était propre, elle frottait tout le temps. Elle était fière de ses enfants et petits enfants.Repose en paix Lilianne ton corps est fatiqué, tu as assez souffert.Une amie de travail Lise.
Friday January 03, 2014
Condolence From: Louise Chabot
Condolence: Mes sympathies a la famille
Thursday January 02, 2014
Condolence From: Lyne Ricard
Condolence: Our deepest Condolences to all the family and friends of Lilianne, From the Ricard Family
Thursday January 02, 2014
Condolence From: Brenda Babin
Condolence: Our sympathies to the family, we are very sorry to hear about Lilianne's passing. She always had a smile when we met. I know she will be missed. Brenda & Paul
Thursday January 02, 2014
Condolence From: Jim and Renee Anderson
Condolence: My family and I would like to express our deepest sympathies to Lilianne's family. We will miss her terribly. We are so happy to have gotten to see Lilianne shortly before her passing - she was still beautiful, inside and out! Her greatest regret was that she would not get to see her grand-children grow up. All our love, Jim, Renee, Melissa and Michael xoxo
Thursday January 02, 2014
Condolence From: Tammy Et Stephane Martin
Condolence: Mes sympathies a la famille.
Thursday January 02, 2014