In Memory of






Condolence From: Joelle Labrecque Beaupre
Condolence: Mes sincères sympathies, Dianne, Joanne, Lynn et Carole. C'est avec surprise et tristesse que je vient d'apprendre de votre grande perte. Je tiens a vous offert mes pensées dans se temps difficile. Prenez biens soins.
Thursday November 15, 2012
Condolence From: francine gagne
Condolence: mes symphatie as toute la famille
Thursday November 01, 2012
Condolence From: Guylaine Ouellette Leblanc
Condolence: J`offre mes plus sincères sympathies à toute la famille Chiasson. Votre maman était une petite madame très spéciale.
Saturday October 27, 2012
Condolence From: CSCDGR - Point de serrvice de New Liskeard
Condolence: Jo-Ann et famille, nos sincères condoléances. Nous comprenons votre tristesse, ne doutez jamais de sa présence dans votre coeur.
Tuesday October 23, 2012
Condolence From: Christiane Roberge
Condolence: I was so very sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. She was a great lady with a wonderful sense of humour. My thoughts are with you today and a big hug to Carole, Daniel, Michael and the family. Take care and have a safe return trip.
Monday October 22, 2012
Condolence From: GREGWEDGE
Condolence: Gone to heaven, one day we will meet again bye for now.
Sunday October 21, 2012
Condolence From: Marie-France
Condolence: Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille.. j'ai eu la chance de connaitre cette magnifique personne! La plus drole! coolest chick out there!! Je pense à vous tous.. prenez soin.. elle veilleras là haut sur vous... oxoxox
Sunday October 21, 2012
Condolence From: Francine & Ray Melanson
Condolence: svp accepter nos prieres et pensees,Rachel est avec Ernest en ce moment.
Saturday October 20, 2012
Condolence From: Suzanne Wright
Condolence: Jo-Anne, Diane, Carole, Line and families! It’s with a heavy heart that I heard about your mom’s passing. She was a caring, loving and companionate women. She will be missed!
Saturday October 20, 2012
Condolence From: Lorraine et Gilbert
Condolence: Jo-Ann et famille,nos plus sinceres sympathie a vous tous.Un ange pour veiller sur vous tous.Prend soin Jo-Ann.
Saturday October 20, 2012
Condolence From: Nathalie Isabelle
Condolence: Jo-Ann and family, I just wanted to let you know our thoughts and our prayers are with you and your family through this heartbreaking time. Nothing I can say will ease your pain but just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. Love to you and your family Nathalie, Laurent, Danielle, Marie-France xox
Saturday October 20, 2012
Condolence From: Colette & Denis Migneault
Condolence: our sympathie to Diane & all the Chiasson famely may she rest in peace <3
Friday October 19, 2012