In Memory of




Condolence From: Brittany
Condolence: 6 years, but I still look in the cab of every truck that passes. Love you like crazy, dad.
Friday November 01, 2019
Condolence From: Lisa
Condolence: I'm So So sorry for your pain at this time he was my neighbor my best friend his smile n laughter I cant get out of my mind how so young taken so quickly from us all With deepest sympathy Lisa & my son Dalton!
Sunday November 10, 2013
Condolence From: DORIS
Condolence: Slawka and family, I am so shocked and sorry to hear about Wayne, please know that I am thinking of all of you at this time, Slawka, if I can help you in any way please call. Best Regards, Doris McGregor
Thursday November 07, 2013
Condolence From: Ferne
Condolence: So sorry for the family's loss. My heart especially mourns for the children left behind. Thank you for including their names in this memorial - it means a lot.
Tuesday November 05, 2013