
Book of Memories
Blanche Lalonde
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Guenette Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Margarette
Condolence: Hi Nana

Writing this today because I won't be able to do this on Saturday so I wanted to do this today as you know a lot has changed since you been gone I mean I sometimes wish I could just call you and talk to you but I know now that I can' always will be my best friend my rock and the person that I use to be able to talk to about anything I miss you like crazy trying to hold back my tears as I write this today Lee says hi and that he misses you and wish's you could be here every time your birthday comes up I keep saying happy birthday Nana you

Your with the angels and with papa and Kylie just know that we miss you and love you all rest in Paradise
Thursday February 20, 2020
Condolence From: Margarette Lalonde
Condolence: U told me once that i could be anything that i wanted and for so long i never wanted to be anything until i had Giovanni then i figured out what i wanted to be and that was like you grandma a loving mother...I use to tell everyone that i never wanted anything in my life but there is one thing i wish i could have and thats you and grandpa back sometimes i think i can hear your voice telling me to be myself when i raise my son and when i pass all my tests i want to pick up the phone and call you and tell you about them but i reilze that your not gonna be able to pick up the phone and say thats good and i m proud of you toune i use to hate waking up after you died but now that i know your in my heart i can find the breath i need to wake up and get Giovanni off to school
Wednesday March 21, 2018

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